PhD Researcher Judy Mikovits and Expert on Viruses Explains the Coronavirus and Reveals Information You are Not Likely to Hear in the Corporate Media

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Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

TV Santa Barbara has published a recent interview with host Bob Lovgren interviewing Dr. Judy Mikovits explaining what the coronavirus is, how it got here, how it can be treated, and other important information you are not likely to hear in the corporate-sponsored “mainstream” media.

We have featured Dr. Mikovits’ work here at Health Impact News many times over the past few years. Here are some past articles:

Vaccines and Retroviruses: A Whistleblower Reveals What the Government is Hiding

As Government Denies Existence of Retroviruses, Big Pharma Prepares to …read more

Source: Health Impact News


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