Pfizer’s business model is to create the sickness and sell the “cure” –

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To ensure an indefinite multi-billion-dollar profit stream well into the future, drug giant Pfizer is intentionally sickening people in order to make them lifelong pharmaceutical junkies who constantly need to be “cured” of their drug-induced ailments by more Pfizer drugs.


Pfizer’s mRNA (messenger RNA) Wuhan coronavirus “vaccine” is sickening and killing millions, as you may know. Those who survive are being told that in order to continue surviving, they must continue to get injected with new “boosters” at regular intervals, much like seasonal influenza vaccines or flu shots.


Since the double-dose mRNA jabs from Pfizer cause a person’s immune system to degrade and turn negative, the multinational corporation is advising its customers to continue getting boosted in order to feel just good enough to continue working to feed the beast, but never good enough to actually live with a normal, healthy and robust immune system like the unvaccinated have.


Much like heroin junkies, Fauci Flu shot addicts have to keep getting their fix in order to avoid premature death. This means a hypothetically endless stream of cash for Pfizer, which continues to boast record profits quarter after quarter. (Related: Pfizer bastardized ivermectin by making it more dangerous and repackaging it as “Paxlovid” in order to generate billions in new profits.)


Read More: Pfizer’s business model is to create the sickness and sell the “cure” –

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