Persistence of the Spike Protein May be Inducing Systemic Autoimmune Disease MIMICKING Sjogren’s, Arthritis, Vasculitis, Diabetes, etc.

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“Progeria is a rare genetic disorder that causes premature aging in children.” Admin


A paper was posted January 26 which has now caused me to revise my Spike Protein Progeria Disease hypothesis. Until I read this paper, I hypothesized that the Spike invaded the endothelium (Spike Protein Endothelial Disease) and then the organs leading to a Progeria Syndrome. However, I now need to revise the Progeria Syndrome part of the hypothesis.


My updated hypothesis is related to Progeria.


What I believe is now occurring is that the Spike Protein is a designed viral fragment that has been attached to a coronavirus as a delivery mechanism. This viral fragment causes ARDS, multiple organ failure and death in a very few due to the initial phase of the Syndrome it induces. This is what I have called SPED. Spike Protein Endothelial Disease.


The second phase of this Syndrome I had initially thought was a Progeria syndrome. I now no longer believe that to be the case. However, Phase II would certainly be PART of a Progeria syndrome. I now believe that, given recent evidence, Phase II is the induction of a SYSTEMIC AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE which I will call Spike Protein Autoimmune Syndrome.


So, how does the Spike Protein cause this Syndrome? By the PERSISTENCE OF THE SPIKE PROTEIN within the body.


Read More: Persistence of the Spike Protein May be Inducing Systemic Autoimmune Disease MIMICKING Sjogren’s, Arthritis, Vasculitis, Diabetes, etc.

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