Persecution is a blessing, Chinese elder told church before his arrest | Christian News on Christian Today

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Li Yingqiang, an elder of the Early Rain Covenant Church in China’s Chengdu metropolis who was among around 100 Christians detained by authorities as part of an ongoing crackdown on believers, wrote to his church before his arrest on ‘How the Church Should Face Persecution’.


The Christians including the church’s pastor, Wang Yi, were detained on Sunday. Li Yingqiang was discovered and arrested the following day. He wrote to the church in a post shared on Facebook that the persecution they were facing was a ‘reward’, and that those who had been taken before him were ‘within the gracious, sovereign providence of the Lord. He will be with them in the midst of their chains and trials.’


He said those who were suffering were ‘blessed’, adding: ‘Those of us brothers and sisters standing on the front lines of the gospel war will earn great spiritual riches!’


He said: ‘Thank the Lord for being with us in this trial. Thank the Lord for cultivating us according to his true Word! Thank the Lord for training us through these days of hardship! Thank the Lord for sculpting us through today’s persecution! May the Lord give us great joy and true hope and make us strong through reliance on him.’


Read More: Persecution is a blessing, Chinese elder told church before his arrest | Christian News on Christian Today

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