Persecution Blog: “What’s wrong with you people?”

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“Just as in ancient societies where Christians were persecuted because they would not participate any longer in sinful practices after they were saved true uncompromising Christians now will experience similar persecution as the world becomes spiritually darker and increasingly given over to evil behavior.”  Admin

I am borrowing a phrase from Glenn Penner to describe the attitude of non-Christians toward Christians in the ancient world. They remembered the lifestyle of Christians before they started following Christ and their previous lives seemed normal, by pagan standards. Now things were different—very different, strange!—and ancient pagans couldn’t figure out what is going on, so they may have asked the question: “What is wrong with you people?”

I was recently struck by 1 Peter 2:12 where it says that Christians would be slandered for being evil doers. Since Christians, I thought, were dedicated to doing good, how could we be accused of doing evil? I recognize we live in a convoluted world where evil is called good and good evil, but calling Christians evil seems to push the category. You may think: “Once I was disobedient to God and committed all kinds of sins and evil, but now I have changed—transformed by the grace of God. Now I try to do good, so how could you think I am doing evil?” We may want to ask pagans: “What’s wrong with you people? What is causing you to skew the criteria for good and evil? How can you think that way?”

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