Persecution Blog: What Battle Are You Fighting?

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Sometimes it’s easy to get our battles twisted. What are we really fighting for? What are we really fighting against? Christians in Nepal reminded me of the answer.

During the first part of a recent trip to Nepal I helped distribute VOM’s Christmas Care and Village Outreach packs. VOM readers give to provide these packs each year around Christmas time. Nepal was a recipient of these packs last year.

Nepal Girl Christmas CareDuring the distributions in the churches I got to meet many Nepali believers. I was astounded by their faith in spite of the odds their society stacks against them. Christians are only 1.3% of the population in this majority-Hindu nation. One pastor I met served in a radical Hindu community where they have been repeatedly threatened and told to leave. Three years ago, his home was broken into by the radicals and he and his wife were beaten nearly unconscious and then had every item they owned stolen or destroyed. I asked this pastor why he continued to stay in the village and pastor even after that traumatic experience. This is what he told me:

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