“To Die is Gain?” – persecutionblog.com

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A few weeks ago, Merv Knight walked into my office door. Merv is a dear elder brother of mine, in his 80’s now, who lives in Australia. Merv Knight has served our persecuted brothers and sisters for more than 40 years. Perhaps his most important contribution to the work of serving the persecuted was summed up in the recent words of one of VOM’s executives: “Merv Knight has served as a spiritual advisor to us all.”

Merv first became involved in the work of VOM in 1969 when he was part of a group of people who hosted Pastor Richard Wurmbrand in Australia. Richard encouraged the group to begin an Australian-based ministry to the persecuted, and Merv went on to establish that work in partnership with several other Australian believers (I encourage you to watch a fascinating interview with Merv about his 40 years with VOM).

Merv can always be counted on to deliver an uplifting word and that is why he was in my office that day. He was carrying a little book in his hand that he wanted to give to me. It was a book that belonged to Richard, and Merv had uncovered it while going through some boxes in the archives. The book is called “To Die is Gain” and was authored by G. Campbell Morgan.

To Die is Gain – Book CoverThe book is remarkably interesting, because it provides an insight into a reality which many of our family members have experienced. In our culture, it may be rare for us to reflect on another land, a home beyond the grave, a place where pain and suffering cease and, most importantly, a place where we are able to experience full communion with our Lord Jesus Christ.

One of the reasons this may be true is that our lives here are entirely too comfortable. It reminds me of C.S. Lewis’ example of children playing in the mud in the slums of London who refused a holiday at the beach. They simply couldn’t comprehend how wonderful the beach was, and so they turned back to their mud pies.

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