Paul Craig Roberts – Western Culture Has Died A Politically Correct Death 

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“Dr. Roberts lets loose on political correctness and it’s devastating effect on Western society and culture.”  Admin


It is amazing the power that politically correct kooks have acquired over language, art, and literature. It is a sign that the West is culturally dead.


When high museums rename paintings because some emotional weakling declares the name to be offensive, it becomes obvious that the custodians of Western culture have lost their belief in Western culture.


When universities cover up murals because of a claim they are offensive to people whose presence on the campus is miniscule if present at all, you know that learning is no longer the purpose of the university.


When a people are afraid to use the words and terms of their forefathers, you know they have been intimidated to abandon even their own language and ways of speaking.


Western culture today consists of pornography, sexual deviants, whining wimps devastated by mere words, self-hatred, and craven cowards afraid to stand up for themselves against the onslaught of hate directed toward them by political correctness freaks.


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