Pastor Saeed Faces Psychological Torment: Surrounded by Executions and Demands He Recant

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“Please remember to keep him in your prayers.”  Admin

American Pastor Saeed Abedini was permitted to have a visit with an Iranian family member today in the prison. It was the first visit in the last five weeks.

He continues to suffer for his faith, wrongfully imprisoned in Iran for being a Christian. The prison guards have become increasingly hostile. He faces a near constant demands that he recant his faith in Christ and become a Muslim.

Iranian officials are also psychologically tormenting him, telling him that he will face an extended sentence even after he completes his current eight-year sentence—a reality he has seen come true for other cellmates.

Pastor Saeed’s wife, Naghmeh, explained the increasingly dangerous situation this way:

Read More  Pastor Saeed Faces Psychological Torment: Surrounded by Executions and Demands He Recant.

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