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“Noted Hollywood actor speaks out on the toxic world we live in.”  Admin It is a rare occasion to find such brutal honesty from a Hollywood celebrity figure, but Nick Mancuso not only tells it like it is but exposes the entire myth to why disease rates are mounting to pandemic proportions. Who do we hold responsible for societies catastrophes? Do we just attribute the disease process to modern times or do we examine the issues under a microscope and say enough is enough and demand a change. This is the age of toxicity where common household products can literally [More]
“This just illustrates the big push to get GMO crops everywhere whether the people like it or not. It’s a hugh windfall for big AG since the farmers have to buy the seed every year from them. And of course there are the serious health implications associated with these crops. All in all the people there will eventually regret taking this deal when they fully understand what’s been done to them.”  Admin Finally, a little-known aspect of the crisis in Ukraine is receiving some international attention.  On July 28, the California-based Oakland Institute released a report revealing that the World Bank [More]
“Some good links at the end of the article.” Admin Historically, the European Union (EU) has taken a far stricter, more cautious stance with regards to genetically engineered (GE) crops and foods. Not only must GE foods be labeled in the EU, but resistance to growing GE crops is high in general. As reported two years ago, an estimated 75 percent of Germans oppose GE, and few politicians are in favor of genetic technology. Over there, it’s actually politically risky to support GMOs. This is something the chemical technology industry, through the shrewd manipulation of the US government, has fought [More]
“As you’ll read the GM seed companies seem to go out of their way to make it difficult or impossible for independent researchers to evaluate their foods, if they are as safe as these companies say they are then why do they try to hinder independent research? I think we know the answer to that.”  Admin If you’re like me, you’ve probably been asked by many of your friends and relatives why you believe genetically engineered (GE) foods are unsafe. Dr. Judy Carman, one of the few researchers in the world who has carefully and independently evaluated this question, can [More]
“Another threat to our food supplies, besides GMOs. Article also gives tips on what food items you can grow yourself in small spaces. You can read about 5 new high tech ways to grow produce indoors here.”  Admin The practice of dosing livestock with antibiotics combined with putting the same drugs into animal feed is having a profound effect on the soil where the manure is used as fertilizer. We have known for years that antibiotics in livestock has hastened antibiotic resistance but a new study proves just how detrimental the practice can be to our health and our food [More]
“Well here we go again,  another treaty which will affect all of us, like TPP, being negotiated in secret, the “little people” (you and I)  needn’t be consulted. Big banks, big corporations, big government will once again be the main beneficiaries as they always are from these “secret” treaties.”  Admin We can be sure that a select few very rich and powerful people will do very nicely out of this agreement. The Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA) between the US and EU aims to ‘protect’ investment and remove ‘unnecessary regulatory barriers’. Corporate interests are driving the agenda, the public have [More]
“Now it appears we not only have to be concerned about eating GMO foods but also breathing in the toxic chemicals associated with their growing as well! It looks like we are all a part of a giant experiment with as yet unknown and likely serious consequences.”  Admin Thursday, February 20th 2014 at 1:00 pm Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder Roundup Weedkiller Found In 75% of Air and Rain Samples, Gov. Study Finds The GM farming system has made exposure to Roundup herbicide a daily fact of our existence, and according to the latest US Geological Survey study its probably [More]
“The news about GMO health risks just keep piling up.”  Admin The inclusion of genetically modified (GM) plants in the human diet has raised concerns about the transfer of transgenes from GM plants to humans. Contrary to the claims by biotech giants such as Monsanto, a report in PLOS One shows that that meal-derived DNA fragments are large enough to carry complete genes as they enter the human circulatory system. In some of the human samples studied the relative concentration of plant DNA was higher than the human DNA. The potential effects of horizontal gene transfer on human health have [More]
“The backlash inspired by this proposed bill is indicative of how desperate the education establishment is to not allow any questioning of evolution, the  global warming scam or any other pet dogmas. The indoctrination program must be maintained with no opposing views allowed. This is the sad state of education we now have.”  Admin Upon first reading reports of an “anti-science” and “muzzling” bill, you could easily get the impression that “mum’s the word” for any further discussion on science/health topics like GMOs, vaccines, climate change, raw milk etc. One recent report accidentally left out a crucial word that changes [More]
“I read an article which stated that Monsanto hopes to bring to market in a few years GMO wheat, which in my opinion would be a catastrophe since wheat is so widely used in food products. It would also mean the application of vast new amounts of Roundup weedkiller on these GMO wheat fields, hardly anything we need in light of what’s reported below.”  Admin A new study published in the January issue of International Journal of Toxicology titled, “Glyphosate Commercial Formulation Causes Cytotoxicity, Oxidative Effects, and Apoptosis on Human Cells: Differences With its Active Ingredient,” raises renewed concern that [More]
WARNING: On top of the GMO high fructose corn syrup, the ingredients inside this imitation fruit beverage pose the risk of forming a known carcinogen inside the bottle – just waiting for you to drink it. It’s been more than 20 years since the FDA and beverage industry first learned that sodium benzoate and citric acid or ascorbic acid Vitamin C can create the carcinogen benzene while in the bottle together. The public was informed just seven years ago, and yet, many makers of artificial fruit drinks and sodas still frequently and shamefully use these ingredients in this risky combination [More]
“Another treaty being negotiated in secret that will ultimately lead to more corporate control over our lives and less freedom. No wonder it’s being done in secret since it benefits no one but big government and big business, no input from the common folk is wanted.” Admin If you think the Monsanto Protection Act was bad, watch out for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a multilateral trade agreement being negotiated in secret, which subverts national sovereignty for corporate rule. Read More  Activist Post: TPP’s Intellectual Property section also boosts GMO and drug monopolies.
The lower your income is, the more difficult it is to be particular about what you feed your family. This probably isn’t an earth-shattering revelation to anyone, but if you feel like experimenting, try to buy a week’s worth of healthy food for a family on a budget of, say, $50-75. Food manufacturers that target lower income shoppers with more affordable products tend to include more GMOs and toxic ingredients in their offerings. It just isn’t possible to stick to my usual food restrictions. Generally speaking I avoid: Read More  Natural Health News and Wellness Tips | Natural Remedies and [More]
The famed pashmina shawl that keeps the cold away – in style and at a price – could itself have become the victim of winter. Thousands of goats whose fine wool is woven into pashmina have perished in extreme cold being associated with climate change. Pashmina is drawn from Changra goats found in Ladakh region of Kashmir state and a part of the Tibetan peninsula, more than 14,000 feet (4,267 meters) above sea level. The peninsula is often called the Roof of the World. Little grows in these areas where the temperature can drop to minus 35 degrees Celsius. The [More]