Overdoses skyrocket, Big Pharma scrambles for profits – Personal Liberty®

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Recent headlines concerning pharmaceutical profits, how drug companies feel about the customers they serve and the ongoing overdose crisis provide evidence that U.S. patients are playing roulette by placing faith in drug makers.


Heavy duty painkillers for patients who don’t need them


NBC News on Monday reported that Arizona-based drug company Insys Therapeutics has sold “almost a billion dollars worth” of a highly addictive pain medication over the past five years.


Remarkably, highly-addictive is probably an understatement.


That’s because the drug referenced in the article, Subsys, is an extremely powerful pain killer which includes as an ingredient fentanyl. In case you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past several months, fentanyl is the drug being blamed in part for the nation’s massive opioid overdose crisis.


A former sales rep for the company named Patty Nixon is blowing the whistle on how the drug company billed insurance companies thousands of dollars for a drug many patients didn’t need. In some cases, those patients died.


Read More: Overdoses skyrocket, Big Pharma scrambles for profits – Personal Liberty®

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