Origins – Our Created Moon with Dr. Donald DeYoung

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Our Created Moon with Dr. Donald DeYoung Dr Donald DeYoung – website: Creationist Physicist (AiG–US Biography Don DeYoung is Chairman of the Department of Physical Science at Grace College, Winona Lake, Indiana. He has taught at Grace since 1972, with sabbatical leaves spent in San Diego and the South Pacific. Dr DeYoung is also on the faculty of the Institute for Creation Research, San Diego. Courses taught include physics, astronomy and mathematics. He speaks on creation topics and believes that the details of nature are a powerful testimony to the Creator’s care for mankind. Dr DeYoung and his wife Sally have three married daughters. In their local church, Don is a Sunday school teacher, elder and member of the Warsaw Christian School Board. Education Michigan Tech University (BS, MS, Physics) Iowa State University (Ph.D., Physics) Grace Seminary (M.Div.) Honors Indiana Academy of Science AuSable Environmental Institute Creation Research Society Institute for Creation Research Warsaw Christian School Board Publications His writings have appeared in The Journal of Chemical Physics and The Creation Research Society Quarterly. He has also written eight books on Bible-science topics, including object lessons for children. About Origins: Watch as scientists, researchers and authors share relevant facts and thought-provoking evidence supporting creation. Join us for Cornerstone TeleVision’s unique program entitled, ORIGINS

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