Origins – Mud Flow Madness with Dr. Steve Austin

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See more scientific support for the worldwide flood historically described in Genesis. Evidence that great mudflows quickly deposited 100s of nautiloids together in the Grand Canyon, which is only explainable by the global flood. View the Powerpoint presentation described on the show here: More Origins shows & info at the Cornerstone TV website: Dr. Steven A. Austin is a field research geologist with a Ph.D. from Penn State University in sedimentary geology. He is “Senior Research Scientist” with Institute for Creation Research in Dallas, Texas. He has performed geologic research on six of the seven continents of the world. Dr. Austin’s field research within Grand Canyon includes over 400 nights camped out below the Canyon’s rim. He has launched 22 raft trips within Grand Canyon. He has explored very remote areas of Grand Canyon by mule, helicopter and ATV. His book “Grand Canyon: Monument to Catastrophe” and his DVD “Grand Canyon: Monument to the Flood” summarize his investigations. He has over ten technical papers on Grand Canyon. Subjects of his technical publications on Grand Canyon include lava dams, breached dams, fossils, limestones, sandstones, basalts, diabase sills and radioisotope dating. He is widely known for his discovery of the regionally extensive mass-kill and burial bed within the Redwall Limestone about 2000 feet below the Canyon’s rim. Nautiloids: An Amazing Discovery in the Grand Canyon What in the world are nautiloids, and

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