Origins – Mount St. Helens – Explosive Evidence for Creation with Dr. Steve Austin

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Mount St. Helens created a canyon in a matter of days and laid down millions of layers of sediments, showing how the Grand Canyon could have formed rapidly by catasrophic processes shortly after the global flood. Dr. Steven A. Austin is a field research geologist with a Ph.D. from Penn State University in sedimentary geology. He is “Senior Research Scientist” with Institute for Creation Research in Dallas, Texas. He has performed geologic research on six of the seven continents of the world. Current research Mass-kill event and rapid burial of nautiloid fossils in a limestone layer within the Grand Canyon. Mega-flood deposits within the Santa Cruz River valley of southern Argentina. Frozen cones of spruce trees within a deeply buried peat layer on the shore of the Arctic Ocean in extreme northern Canada. Gigantic slurry-flows in southern Alaska that were launched along superfaults and that produced widespread deposits composed of enormous boulders. Professional data Education BS in Geology from the University of Washington MS in Geology from San Jose State University Ph.D. in Geology from Pennsylvania State University Professional Organizations Member of the Geological Society of America Member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists Member of the Society for Sedimentary Geology Member of the International Association of Sedimentologists About Origins: OriginsWatch as scientists, researchers and authors share relevant facts and thought-provoking evidence

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