Open Doors – 2017’s Top 10 Most-Read Stories From the Persecuted Church – Open Doors USA

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Throughout the world, 2017 was a difficult, yet also hopeful, year for the persecuted church. We wept with our brothers and sisters in Egypt on Palm Sunday (over the past year, more than 130 Christians were killed in Egypt, including the Dec. 29 attack). We felt both anger and compassion as we learned that Nigerian Christian refugees were being denied food in relief camps—and then in response sent tremendous aid. We rejoiced with believers when ISIS’ reign of terror ended in Iraq and Syria and also joined in their despair as they returned to their bombed-out villages and homes.


Looking back on 2017, a few specific stories caught your attention, and for good reason. Muslims coming to Christ, a woman freed from ISIS captivity, and discrimination in refugee camps are some of these captivating narratives.


As you’ll see below, many of 2017’s most-read stories come from the Middle East. U.S. news widely covered the traumatizing reign and defeat of ISIS, and through our on-the-ground presence, Open Doors brought you compelling and often hopeful stories of the church in the Middle East that no one else was telling.


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