Ominous Signs In Our Godless Nation Most Christians Have Become Strangers And Foreigners In This World Now Ruled By Satan

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As followers of Christ — Jesus, the Son of God, our souls are saved by the blood He shed for us on Calvary, but we remain strangers, foreigners in this world.  We must understand, we’re living in a world ruled by Satan, sojourners among the enemies of God, and we’re commanded to “occupy”?until Jesus returns.


In Matthew 25 and Luke 19, just prior to Jesus entering Jerusalem, where He knew He would shortly be crucified, He told His disciples the “Parable of the Talents.”  In this lesson, Jesus told of a nobleman who gave each of his servants a number of “talents,” each according to his ability.  He didn’t assign any of them more than He knew they were capable of handling well.  And prior to leaving, the man in the story told his servants to “occupy ‘til I come.”  Jesus also explained that the people would hate the nobleman and rebel against him and would be hostile to his servants.


We all know the story.  The first two servants invested their talents and their work of “occupying” bore fruit.  But the third man — who had only been given one talent, because the nobleman knew that was all he could handle — buried his, gained nothing for his master and gave a lame excuse when asked to give an account.  Most likely, this third man did nothing with the talent he’d been given because of cowardice. He feared the people who hated the nobleman and were hostile to his servants.


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