Official Gov Docs Show Authorities using Monkeypox to cover up that COVID Vaccines cause AIDS – The Expose

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The new evolving hysteria surrounding the alleged emergence of ‘monkeypox’ in Western nations is not what it appears to be. We are not witnessing the monkeypox virus run rampant across first-world countries for the first time ever.


Instead, we are witnessing the latest attempt to advance Draconian biosecurity policies through a monumental coverup of the devastating damage done to the immune systems of people who have had the Covid-19 vaccine. Damage so severe that it can be likened to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.


And we can prove it…


Read More: Official Government Documents indicate Authorities are using Monkeypox to cover up the fact the COVID-19 Vaccines cause Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome – The Expose

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