Not A Dream – Michael Boldea Jr.

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“Some disturbing food for thought from Michael.” Admin


If you’ve felt like the world has turned upside down and inside out, you are not alone. It’s not a dream, it’s not a nightmare, it’s not an Ambien-induced episode, and there’s no waking up from it. Unlike the cat ladies on Facebook who insist on posting the “hang in there memes,” I’m honest enough with you to tell you how it is. Not how I hoped it would be, or what the best-case scenario will look like if a thousand things happen in sequential order, akin to winning the lottery thirty times in a row, but how it is.


This is where we are! We are at a point where more and more it seems that the governing class is daring God to judge this nation, almost thumbing their noses at Him. At this juncture, can any intellectually honest person say we are undeserving of judgment? Can any intellectually honest person say that the steps we’ve taken over the past couple of months are in harmony with the Gospel or bring honor to God? Maybe Beth Moore, but she’s far from intellectually honest. I’ll just leave it there because I don’t want to make this a rant about Beth Moore.


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