Noni Juice- Boosts Immune System, Fights Parasites, Helps Diabetics & Even Combats Cancer

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By Phyllis Bentley

Noni is a tropical plant native to Polynesia. It is derived from the fruit of the Morinda citrifolia tree indigenous to Southeast Asia. For thousands of years, Polynesians have praised Noni juice for its healing properties. It has ability to boost the immune system, promote healthy skin, heal wounds, jumpstart your energy, and make you all over stronger. Noni juice is a high-antioxidant beverage that’s been shown to boost the immune system, fight parasites and even combat cancer.

Noni Fruit Nutrition Value

Noni fruit is known to contain many beneficial ingredients including vitamin A, vitamin C, Niacin, iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and …read more

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