The Flood of Noah’s day (2348 BC) was a year-long global catastrophe that destroyed the pre-Flood world, reshaped the continents, buried billions of creatures, and laid down the rock layers. It was God’s judgment on man’s wickedness and only eight righteous people, and representatives of every kind of land animal, were spared aboard the Ark.

Noah's Ark and the Flood – Global Flood or Millions of Years – Mr Bodie Hodge (2019 Mega-Conference)

Was there really a worldwide flood? (Episode 73)

Skeptics, Beware: This Video About Noah’s Ark Will Change Your Mind!

Noah’s Flood Q&A With Pastor Nate Wright (Part 1)

Noah’s Flood Q&A With Pastor Nate Wright (Part 2)

The Flood of Noah -- Legends and Lore of Survival -- (Book Trailer)

A Martian flood? — (ep55 #shorts)

How could Noah fit all the animals on the Ark? — (ep69 #shorts)

Does the Coconino Sandstone disprove the flood of Noah’s day? (Episode 117)

From the Ark to Australia? How? — (ep57 #shorts)

Noah and the Great Flood -- (Booklet Trailer)

How could Noah’s family look after all the Animals on the Ark? (Episode 54)

Can speciation occur rapidly? (Episode 45)

Inside Noah's Ark 4 Kids - board book - (Trailer)

Was Noah’s Flood local, and does it really matter what we believe about it? (Episode 24)

Remarkable Rescue - Saved on Noah's Ark -- (Book Trailer)

How many kinds of animals were on the Ark? (Episode 36)

How Many Animals Were on the Ark? -- (Book Trailer)

Why is it always a great Flood? (Episode 93)

Journey through the Ark Encounter -- (Book Review)

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