No light – except that provided by God –

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“A great example of faith and determination.”  Admin

Travis Freeman lost his sight at the age of 12 after he developed a severe sinus infection known as cavernous sinus thrombosis (CST). “The doctors told us that, at that time, 70 percent of the people who have what I had died, and I was only the second case in the world where it’s ever just affected the eyes,” Freeman told American Family Radio this week.

Freemen shared that he trusted from the very beginning that God had a plan for his life and was going to use this for His glory.

“I was on medication and just don’t remember details of my life around this time, but my parents tell me that when I first lost my sight and I first found out that I would never see again, I said to them’ I believe that I will see again one day – but if I don’t, I can’t wait to see what God’s going to do with this.'”

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