New York Law Proposes to Begin Medical Treatment For Children Without Parental Consent – Slay News

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“This law hasn’t passed yet but it gives you a clear picture that the tyrannical Dems want complete control over children. If it does pass then it provides one more big reason for families to move out of NY.” Admin


Democrat lawmakers in New York State are pushing new legislation that will allow for children to be vaccinated or put through surgical procedures without their parents’ consent.


The lawmakers behind deeply misleading legislation argue that minors should be able to make their own decisions about medical treatments.


However, it has long been established in law that children are not able to consent for themselves and, as such, their parents must make decisions on a number of issues for them.


The legislation would allow any child or teen under 18 to seek out and consent to medical treatment — including vaccines, dental procedures, hospitalization, and even surgery.


They would be able to do so without parental consent as long as the minor appears to have the mental capacity to make that decision.


Read More: New York Moves to Begin Vaccinating Children Without Parental Consent – Slay News

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