New ‘Rainbow Index of Churches in Europe’ measures ‘LGBT inclusivity’ of Christian denominations | News | Lifesitenews

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“Interesting article on how the gay agenda is making inroads into Christian churches in Europe.”  Admin


The first “Rainbow Index of Churches in Europe in 2020” (RICE 2020) that ranks Christian church groups in Europe by their “LGBTI inclusivity” was released in April.


“As theologians researching inclusivity, we started with the argument that Jesus’ practice of radical hospitality and commensality sets the rule for churches on diversity, equality, and the affirmation of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities,” states the RICE research report, which was researched by the European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups (EF).


The report continues, “What are the implications of Jesus’ words and practices for inclusion in the sacraments and the ordination of clergy; the representation in leadership and decision-making in the church; the inclusivity of liturgical language; the acknowledgement of the church’s role in the discrimination toward LGBTI people?”


The Rainbow Index of Churches in Europe uses 47 indicators of LGBTI “inclusivity,” including the following:


Read More inclusivity’ of Christian denominations | News | Lifesitenews