New: After Examining Vaccine Vials Blood Doctor Reveals HORRIFIC Findings – Stew Peters

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“Dr. Botha found in her patients after they were vaccinated  damaged red blood cells that were stacked up like discs one atop the other, this phenomena was also reported by a German Dr. in her patients which you can watch here.

Both Drs. analyzed the J&J vaccine vials they had obtained and found  weird structures and other anomalies in the vaccine.

Watch this video to see what Dr. Madej found in the Moderna and J & J vaccines she analyzed!

This is mind blowing folks, like something out of a horror movie!  Show these videos to anyone thinking of taking these vaccines.” Admin


EXCLUSIVE! Dr. Zandre Botha was shocked after studying the blood of “vaccinated” patients that were coming to her with serious illness after being injected with the shots being called “Covid vaccines”.

After being presented with vials of the substance, she examined the contents and was horrified.

Dr. Botha came forward, today, on “The Stew Peters Show”.

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