Natural immunity vs Covid-19 vaccine-induced immunity – Marc Girardot of PANDA –

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“Excellent article on natural immunity vs. vax immunity showing natural immunity is certainly the best. The main points discussed are:  on waning immunity fallacy, on the reinfection fallacy, on the variant fallacy, on the vaccine better than the natural immunity fallacy, on the vaccine innocuity fallacy.”  Admin


A British friend, recovered from COVID, decided to get vaccinated despite being naturally immune. This is the email he recently sent me:


Marc I suffered a mild stroke on Wednesday 8 days after taking the Astrazeneca 2nd dose. Since I am a marathon runner I am a very ‘rare case’. I don’t smoke, have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, family history or come into any of the risk categories for blood clots


You did warn me against taking the second dose and I wished I’d heeded your advice. I’ve taken a totally unnecessary risk with my life and I bitterly regret doing it.”


Contrary to most, Tony was informed; he had been told about the power of natural immunity, about the long – if not lifelong – duration of immunity, of the risk inherent to any medical procedure (yes, vaccination is a medical procedure!), as well as of the rising levels of adverse events. He admitted he hadn’t imagined it could happen to him…


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