7 Ways to Conquer the Battle of the Bulge

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Normally, a bloated stomach is nothing to be alarmed about. It isn’t a dangerous or life-threatening condition. It can, however, make you feel decidedly uncomfortable. A bulging mid-drift can make you look and feel miserable if it becomes a chronic occurrence.

While a bloated belly is often linked to dietary choices, it’s best to make a quick visit to the doctor to rule out anything more serious. Once that’s done, here are seven tips for flattening out your stomach and ridding yourself of painful bloating once and for all.

But before we begin, here are some general strategies to consider first in the battle of the bulge. Pay attention to what happens in your digestive system when you eat certain foods. Does eating garlic and onions, for example, seem to always lead to an inflated abdomen? Or do you find that your stomach becomes bloated if you eat a large meal before bed, or a heavy breakfast full of sausages and fried potatoes? Try to map out when bloating occurs and write down what you have eaten just before. Now on to the seven tips that can help keep your abdomen flat and the size it was meant to be.

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