Nanostructures in Covid “Vaccines” are Not Self-Assembling; they are Being Constructed by Micro-Machines – The Expose

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During an interview with Australian podcaster Maria Zeee, Dr. David Nixon revealed a video of nanotechnology in Pfizer’s Covid injections assembling.  They are not self-assembling, Dr. Nixon explained, but rather they are being assembled by nanorobots or micro-machines.  The work of these robots is happening at such a slow pace that the work they’re doing isn’t detected unless the video is played at about 100x real-time speed.  To demonstrate Dr. Nixon condensed his 3-hour video into about a minute.


Dr. David Nixon is a general practitioner based in Brisbane, Australia, with a special interest in diabetes, cardiovascular disease and the management of long-term conditions.


Read/Watch: Nanostructures in Covid “Vaccines” are Not Self-Assembling; they are Being Constructed by Micro-Machines – The Expose

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