Mysterious Ways: A Perfect Peach of a Rescue – Guideposts

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Oh, no, I thought, massaging the back of my neck. The tingling sensation I felt was the all-too-familiar sign of an impending migraine, my nemesis for two decades. It robbed me of several days each month, causing pain and nausea severe enough I often had to head to bed. But there’d be no going to bed right now. I was all alone on a Sunday afternoon at the offices of a local council on alcoholism where I worked as a public relations coordinator. Today I was also cleaning the offices, something I did once a month to augment my meager income as a single parent.


I grabbed my purse and looked inside. Great, I thought, shaking my head. I’d forgotten to pack any food. Eating something was one of the best ways to help fend off the pain. I checked my supply of cash: a nickel, a dime and a penny. Not even enough for a candy bar from the vending machine. And it would be at least an hour before my boyfriend would pick me up to bring me home. I’m stuck, I thought, the pain beginning to throb in my right temple. I fought back tears. How on earth am I going to find the strength to clean now?


I lay down on one of the couches, trying to stem the nausea in my empty stomach.


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