My statement at the Feb 4 ACIP meeting re: Moderna vaccine approval – Steve Kirsch

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“Excellent article detailing the presentation Mr. Kirsch gave before ACIP. Lots of pertinent facts given by him that this committee provided no reply to. Just another rubber stamp big pharma owned committee that hasn’t the slightest interest in hearing the truth about these vaccines and the dangers they pose to the public.” Admin


ACIP is the outside committee that advises the CDC on vaccines. It is chaired by Stanford Professor Grace Lee.


None of the ACIP committee members will talk to me. They ignore everything I send, including my offer to donate $1M to a charity of their choice if they would just answer my questions on a recorded zoom call.


They are not interested in seeing the safety signals we found either. The FDA and CDC don’t want to see those signals either. I’ve tried numerous times and gave up.


About this meeting


You can watch it here starting at 10am EST.


There were 9 public speakers. I was speaker #6. The public speakers begin about 1 hour and 15 minutes after the start of the meeting. No vaccine injured people were chosen to speak.


Here is the Meeting agenda.


Slides: ACIP slides for Feb 4 meeting


After the public statements and additional presentations, they voted 13-0 to approve the Moderna vaccine for >18 years olds.


My oral statement


Read More: My statement at the Feb 4 ACIP meeting re: Moderna vaccine approval

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