My interviews with Ryan Cole, Deb Conrad, and Gina Doane: Why aren’t docs seeing vax deaths?

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“Lots of great info in this post with 2 good videos to watch.” Admin


Want to know why nobody is seeing any deaths from the vaccine? It’s because they aren’t looking! Duh! These two 90 minute interviews will explain it in detail.


Executive summary

Medical examiners aren’t assessing that the vaccines can cause death because they aren’t doing the proper tests. They don’t order the tests because they don’t want to know.

The CDC isn’t requesting that these tests be done either. They don’t want to know.

Family members could request the tests be done on the tissue samples of those who are deceased. They don’t want to know the truth either (it’s too painful).

The doctors know the vaccine killed people, but they won’t write it in the death certificate because they don’t want to be fired, lose their hospital privileges, and lose their license to practice medicine. So they shut up too.

Here are two videos that provide evidence in great detail about all of this corruption. It’s truly astonishing.



Read/Watch : My interviews with Ryan Cole, Deb Conrad, and Gina Doane: Why aren’t docs seeing vax deaths?

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