More Americans support same-sex marriage than ever – NY Daily News

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Support for same-sex marriage is at a record high, according to a Pew Research Center poll released Monday.

A majority of Americans — 57% — are in favor of gay marriage. Just five years ago, only 42% of Americans supported same-sex marriage.

The Pew Research Center survey, conducted via telephone interviews among 2,002 adults nationwide, found divides along racial lines in terms of support for same-sex marriage. While 59% of whites and 56% of Hispanics support gay marriage, only 51% of blacks are in favor.

Pew has noted a sharp partisan divide over legalization — 65% of both Democrats and independents polled favor gay marriage. Only 34% of Republicans are in favor.

The Supreme Court is expected to issue a landmark ruling on same-sex marriage this month and 72% of Americans believe “that legal recognition of same-sex marriage is inevitable.”

Source  More Americans support same-sex marriage than ever – NY Daily News.

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