Missionary Encountered Both Heaven and Hell Behind Bars — Charisma News

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The Czech aid worker who spent 14 ½ months behind bars in Sudan has said he counted his experience a “privilege” because it enabled him to share his Christian faith with Sudanese prisoners, and praised the country’s “very courageous” Christian minority.


Petr Jašek also told World Watch Monitor that two Sudanese Christians who were arrested days after he was have been resettled in the U.S., along with their families, since their release in May 2017. A third has been released and remains in Sudan.


Jašek added that, of those with whom he shared a cell during his incarceration, the “most cruel” was a member of Islamic State who had attended secondary school and university in London, and spoke English with a London accent.


Jašek was speaking while on a two-week tour of churches in England and Wales organised by the charity Release International, which supports persecuted Christians, during which he encouraged audiences to pray for Christians in other countries who are targeted for their faith.


Now travelling publicly as the head of Voice of the Martyrs’ Africa team, Jašek was arrested at Khartoum airport in December 2015 at the end of a four-day trip during which he researched accounts of state-sponsored persecution of Christians. While there, he gave $5,000 U.S. to a convert to Christianity who needed medical care for burns he suffered when, according to Jašek, he was attacked for this faith. Jašek was following up on claims he had heard during a conference for Sudanese church leaders two months earlier. That conference was held in the capital of neighboring Ethiopia, Addis Ababa.


However, Jašek was apprehended as he held his boarding pass home, and taken to the headquarters of the Sudanese secret police, where he was interrogated for nearly 24 hours. His wife was only told of his whereabouts after 10 days, when the Czech Embassy in Cairo was informed that he had been arrested for smuggling tiger skins out of Sudan (“which is nonsense—there are no tigers in Sudan,” Jašek pointed out).


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