Mexico: 300,000 Migrants Came Through Country First 3 Months of 2019 –

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“I hope these estimates are wrong but they are probably more accurate than not. I have never seen a crisis like this in our country before. The Dems of course love it since they will vote overwhelmingly Democratic. Please pray for our country and president because we are surely living in chaotic times.”  Admin


The Mexican government is reporting that 300,000 migrants from around the globe have traveled through Mexico in the first three months of 2019 to gain entry into the United States at its southern border.


While the majority of the migrants, the Mexican government says, are from Honduras and other countries in Central America, individuals from Cuba, Africa, and southern Asia have also been identified in the migrant caravans.


Read More: Mexico: 300,000 Migrants Came Through Country First 3 Months of 2019