Messages from the Hereafter: 5 Inspiring Stories Offering Proof of the Afterlife – Guideposts

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Have you ever felt, despite the pain of losing someone you love, that they are still with you? Have you ever sensed that they are trying to send you a message? Have you ever moved so close to the edge between life and death that you were able to peek into the afterlife and encounter undeniable evidence that a connection exists between the here and the hereafter?

If you have, you have experienced something special, something miraculous. And you are not alone. For people of faith, these types of occurrences do happen and offer indisputable proof of life after death.

In Messages from the Hereafter: 5 Inspiring Stories Offering Proof of the Afterlife, people, just like you, describe how they were changed and consoled by signs from those who have passed over into the afterlife. These signs could be as simple and yet meaningful as an old greeting card discovered at just the right moment or a foul ball caught at a baseball game.

Whether it’s an angel coming down to earth to guide a spirit to heaven, or a brilliant white light filling the room of a dying patient, Messages from the Hereafter: 5 Inspiring Stories Offering Proof of the Afterlife tells the stories of everyday people who have experienced awe-inspiring occurrences, glimpses into the beyond.

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