Mercola Staff Takes the Pushup Challenge –

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If you subscribe to the Mercola newsletter, you may have read this article a few weeks ago that highlighted a recent study on a possible link between pushups and heart disease. The study, which was conducted by Harvard’s School of Public Health and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association,1 involved 1,100 male firefighters with an average age of 40. They completed pushup capacity and submaximal treadmill exercise tolerance tests.

During 10 years of follow-up, the men underwent annual physical exams and completed health questionnaires. Researchers found that those who were able to complete more than 40 pushups at the start of the study had a 96 percent reduced risk of cardiovascular events, compared to those who could do less than 10 pushups.

Men who could do 11 or more pushups, but less than 40, also experienced a reduced risk of heart health problems, such as coronary artery disease, heart failure and sudden cardiac death. Men who could complete between 21 and 30 pushups had only 25 percent of the heart problems, compared to the 10 and under group.


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