Massive meat rendering facility with robotics, AI systems and railroad offloading integration raises eyebrows | SGT Report

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A massive meat rendering facility is due to begin construction in Rapid City, South Dakota next year, with plans for its completion by 2026. The $1.1 billion facility is known as the, “Western Legacy Development Corporation,” and it promises to bring large-scale production to the beef industry, rendering an estimated 8,000 cattle per day.


The processing plant is said to be one million square feet in size, once completed.


On the positive side, this could provide new competition for Cargill, Tyson and the other monopolistic food giants that are steeped in a lot of evil practices. Perhaps a more independent, privately-owned beef production facility would provide food supply chain redundancy and increased efficiencies that would ultimately lead to lower food prices for Americans.


On the other hand, several things being touted about this facility are definitely raising eyebrows.


Among them:


Read More: Massive meat rendering facility with robotics, AI systems and railroad offloading integration raises eyebrows | SGT Report

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