Little Did They Know The Vax Mandate Would Be A Death Sentence – allnewspipeline

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Reading this linked story over at the Daily Mail Thursday morning broke my heart. Reporting that a ‘Great Hero‘ had just passed away, 47-year-old, decorated Navy SEAL special operations commander Robert Ramirez III, who was found dead at his San Diego home one month after taking over elite SEAL Team One, the commenters on the story wasted no time at all getting to what the story neglected to report.


With the top-voted comment on the story from ‘Lori in Texas‘ being “Probably got the forced mRNA injection,” all of the rest of the top-voted comments and responses show why the globalists should be shaking in their satanic boots as people across the world awaken quickly to their ‘clot shot genocide‘. And while military officials recently claimed the death of Ramirez was by suicide, the commenters on the original story saw what the military and govt are hiding.


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