Lifeguardian Angel – Guideposts

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A day of swimming! My friend Melinda and I giggled as we splashed in the swimming hole of the Siletz River in Siletz, Oregon. Her mother and uncle waved from the bank.

We weren’t the only ones who’d decided to make the best of a sunny summer afternoon—the swimming hole was crowded with adults horsing around in the water or dangling their feet over the edge of the rocky Siletz riverbank. One couple in particular caught my attention. They were sitting on the rockiest slope, and the man was wearing swim trunks. I’d never seen a man so muscular! To a 9-year-old girl like me, he looked like the circus strong man.

“Come on!” Melinda called as we splashed. “Let’s swim out a ways.”

“Okay,” I said, “follow me!” I dog-paddled furiously into deeper water. I thought I was a decent swimmer, even if my dog-paddling and poor imitation of the breaststroke made up my entire swimming repertoire.

Melinda and I paddled about happily until I felt a suction pulling at my feet. It was as if something was trying to drag me under. My mind raced for explanations: Eels? Giant leeches? The Loch Ness monster!

Whatever it was I wanted to get away from it—fast. But when I tried to tighten up my dog paddle the invisible creature pulled at my feet even harder, like a great underwater vacuum. I didn’t know anything about undercurrents, or how quickly one could pull a swimmer beneath the water and downriver. I just knew I was in trouble. “Help!” I yelled.

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