Liar-in-chief: Joe Biden’s astonishing legacy of falsehoods, deceptions and slander * WorldNetDaily * by Andrew Powell

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“An amazing chronicle in words and videos of the many lies Biden has told. He lies so much I’m surprised that he has time to do anything else. If the old children’s taunt ‘Liar, Liar pants on fire’ were true he would have burned through lots of pants by now. Just incredible how such a creature as this could occupy the WH.” Admin

Joe Biden’s lengthy speech at the Democrat National Convention was meant to be a poignant farewell to the nation, paving the way for Kamala Harris to take his place as the party’s 2024 presidential nominee – even though he will remain president of the United States for the next five months. But the speech was marred by Biden’s signature trait that has characterized his more than 50 years as a political leader in Washington: Wall-to-wall lying.

Here are the top 10 lies Biden told to the adoring DNC crowd:


Read More: Liar-in-chief: Joe Biden’s astonishing legacy of falsehoods, deceptions and slander * WorldNetDaily * by Andrew Powell