Leftist Brainwashing: Students Convinced the Bible Is Worse Than ‘The Communist Manifesto’

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“The future of the US looks rather grim if these viewpoints are held widely on college campuses across the country.”  Admin


It has been said that academic institutions of higher learning these days are little more than leftist indoctrination camps that brainwash young adults into becoming obedient and unquestioning disciples of progressive narratives and leftist ideology.


It is difficult to dispute that assertion after watching what transpired recently when a reporter for The Daily Caller News Foundation visited a university campus and asked passing students to answer a simple question that compared Christianity to communism.


The DCNF’s Matt Miller spent a day manning a table on the campus of George Washington University in Washington, D.C., and asked anybody who’d spare a moment to discuss which of two books was “more dangerous” — the Holy Bible or “The Communist Manifesto.”


Read More: Leftist Brainwashing: Students Convinced the Bible Is Worse Than ‘The Communist Manifesto’