Lawmakers push scheme that could punish homeschooling parents with jail

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“Doing away with the Dept. of Education and returning control to the states may lead blue (Dem.) states to try and duplicate what’s going on in Illinois regarding homeschooling. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens.” Admin

Government schools, teachers’ unions and others with financial interests in high taxes for public schools long have opposed homeschooling.

When parents school their children at home, schools, and therefore teachers, have fewer students, and get less tax money.

When homeschooling surges, as it has since the catastrophic public school response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the move of students out of public institutions actually could threaten their future.

So in Illinois, state lawmakers are reviewing a scheme from Democrats that would threaten homeschooling parents with jail sentences if they don’t perform exactly as the public schools demand.

A report in the Federalist outlines the scheme.

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