Largest Funeral Operator in North America Seeing “Unheard of” Revenues – The New American

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Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) has been a part of global news coverage for at least a year. The unexpected deaths of adults, including young athletes in their peak, are ignored by federal healthcare regulators, yet the funeral market is reacting to the “unexplained” phenomenon with record profits.


Alex Berenson, a former New York Times reporter, reported on Wednesday on the latest communication between Service Corporation International (SCI), the largest for-profit funeral operator in North America, and its investors. As it appears, “so far in 2022 the company has made almost $500 million in profits,” wrote Berenson, and, after the published phone call on that, SCI’s stock rose 10 percent.


Eric D. Tanzberger, the chief financial officer and senior vice president of the company, described the company’s performance in 2022 as “very strong,” according to the transcript of the call.


Read More: Largest Funeral Operator in North America Seeing “Unheard of” Revenues – The New American

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