Kris Kristofferson’s “Dementia” Turned out to Be Something Completely Different…

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By REALdeal

Source: Kris Kristofferson’s “Dementia” Turned out to Be Something Completely Different… For more content like this visit

Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected blacklegged ticks. Typical symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash called erythema migrans. If left untreated, infection can spread to joints, the heart, and the nervous system. Songwriter and actor Kris Kristofferson has Lyme disease. […]

Source: Kris Kristofferson’s “Dementia” Turned out to Be Something Completely Different… Learn more at – Healthy News …read more

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