“Here’s a second email sent out by Kent today.” Admin
Hey gang! I’m back on corlinks and getting lots of messages already! Phone still does not work. I will be moved soon- maybe Thursday to OK then to Yazoo. Maybe they are getting enough calls, letters etc that they are, like Pharaoh EVENTUALLY got, sick of me and ready to PAY me to leave Egypt!
Here are a few more “first time in a year” items to add to the last list:
19. Salt for the food!
20. A shower with hot and cold where I get to control it! SRCJ has ONLY hot and it is WAY too hot!
21. A REAL mirror (in the food service bathroom.) I have used the cookie sheet screwed to the wall for a year and it is NOT good! I forgot what I look like!
22. A PORCELAIN toilet! (In the food service bathroom). The stainless steel toilets are COLD>
23. Q tips! Wow! What a GREAT invention!
24. A REAL meat hamburger!. I’ve had soy for a year and forgot what meat tasted like till someone out there graciously bought fresh favorites at the jail! Thanks!
25. Ditto on the REAL chicken for dinner tonight!
26. WHEAT BREAD! Al I’ve had is white bread for a year!
27. GREEN BEANS! SRCJ was carrots 2x/day!
28. WATERMELON! ( I only got one bite but it was great!)
I remember hearing a song one time that made me cry. “It’s over now. It’s over now. I feel like I can make it because it’s over now.” ALMOST for me. Once I get to Yazoo City they CAN release me right away to home confinement that I was SUPPOSED to go to last Feb. 11! We’ll see!
Thanks for your prayers and encouragement! Pro. 25:25 means a LOT to me these days!
Thanks! Share it with your friends!
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