Well, they told me to ‘pack out’ today which means I’m slated to be moved (move #22 in the BOP I think) tomorrow. No more email but closer to home! Maybe 30 miles.
The next step in my 8 year saga is for me to go before a magistrate in Pensacola so he can decide if I get a public pretender err defender for the new contempt of court charge (over the liens on the ministry property so they can’t sell them till the court cases are settled). With the notice of appeal filed last week the trial date of Sept 8 is almost certainly off. Maybe for good?
Once I win the appeal, this latest charge is dead. Then several things can happen:
1. They move me to Yazoo City, MS camp either back through Tallahassee, Atlanta, Oklahoma City, Dallas and finally Yazoo (in chains again!) That may take many months (AGAIN!)!
2. OR the Yazoo warden grants me a furlough and I ride a greyhound bus to Yazoo! Pray for that one please! I’ve had PLENTY of the transport in chains!
3. OR- They send me straight to a halfway house in P-cola (which I qualified for 6 months ago under the 2007 2nd chance act!)
4. Either way- The court in S. Carolina could FINALLY rule (it’s been almost a year!) that they must pay damages AND hear the 2255 motion which can overturn the entire original case and I go home! The BOP admitted they held my box of legal files for 20 months after I left Edgefield, SC so they created a hindrance to me filing it on time! It’s a no brainer EXCEPT… once a person is put in prison (like me) a whole host of things happen like-the gov takes out bonds and adds the money they will get for my term of prison to their “accounts receivable” and the AUSA’s mark down another ‘victory” to help them get raises and advances in their careers. They REALLY don’t like to see cases overturned even if you are innocent because it affects their $$$$$. See I Tim. 6:10 for why! The Supreme Court even ruled years ago that the gov has an interest in “the finality of conviction” that may even override proof of innocence! How evil is that?!?!?
5. The government had 6 months to respond to my Tort claim (filed in Dec. 2013) and they defaulted by not answering at all so it goes to court next.
6. The 11th circ has still not ruled on my appeal over the tax court decision-it’s been almost a year on that one too!
7. Neither the Southern District nor the Northern District courts’ Committee on Attorney Conduct have ruled on my complaint of misconduct against the two living AUSAs in my case. That’s been a long time too. An “honorable judge” should have no problem ruling according to the law should they?
8. The Pensacola Federal court has still not ruled on my libel lawsuit against “Rational Wiki.” #4-#8 are all explained in detail on www.2peter3.com in the legal section. Please share them with others! For the record–it would be VERY HANDY for the real lawbreakers if I happened to die about now. I am NOT suicidal or thinking of escaping or thinking of quitting in my lawful efforts to expose the truth and overturn these issues.
9. I have never been notified by the county that the liens on the ministry property were lifted so that issue still needs to be settled according to law. (I Tim. 1:8)
10. MANY hundreds of people have contacted their congressmen and senators about the injustice in this case! Maybe they will make some long needed changes and help thousands? I have gotten scores of letters and emails from people in foreign countries telling me that even they have contacted our lawmakers asking them to investigate my case. The rest of the world marvels that the “land of the free” has such a huge expensive prison system! I should go testify before congress and share my simple ideas on fixing all this! I could (and actually did) write a book (see “The Kennel” by ‘Elijah Green’ :)) of my ideas on that topic! Maybe God will open THAT door one day?
11. I could call my second book of ideas: “That’s Easy to Fix!” Here are a FEW of the simple ideas:
A. exempt all judges and congressmen from the IRS. That way they can rule without fear of being audited the next year.
B. Have the fed gov stay in the bounds of the Constitution they swore to uphold! That would get the gov totally OUT of 95% of the things they are in! No war on drugs, no fed welfare of any kind etc. Those are state issues. I’ve never taken drugs and won’t but why is the gov involved in that? Where is the Constitutional authority?
C. Go more by God’s perfect law (Ps. 19:7) and give fines, beatings or execution but not prison. At least give offenders an option-do you want 20 lashes or 5 years? Why should the neighbors be forced to pay for supper? For certain crimes the guy needs to be killed not housed for life at everyone’s expense. If someone rapes your daughter she does not need to be forced to feed him for 20 years while she worries about him getting out one day! She needs to go spit on his grave a few times a day till she heals emotionally! God made sure the children of Israel saw the dead Egyptians on the shore of the Red Sea (Ex. 14:30) so they didn’t worry about them coming after them! It’s basic psychology 101!
D. To cut the HUGE cost of the massive fed system of transporting prisoners (airlifts, busses, transfer centers etc) count every day in transit or county jail as 5 days off any fed sentence. THAT will speed em up! As is they make MORE money every day we are “in transit.”
E. Make it a felony for any judge or lawmaker (or their families) to profit in any way from the prison system. As is they own stock in “prison industries” and get richer the longer sentences they give! They own stock in the private prisons and commissary, UNICORE and transport systems plus the prison itself. That needs to be stopped! (See if YOUR lawmaker profits from this!)
F. Pay all prisoners minimum wage for their work. I made $5/MONTH for working every day in the kitchen.
G. Look for every possible way to eliminate the profit motive for having more people locked up! Don’t allow stocks, bonds, etc for the prison system.
H. I’ll have lots more in the book but that simple start will fix about 95% of the problem in minutes!
12. Many thousands have signed the petition on www.freehovind.com.
13. My bonds are known world wide and they cause many to be more bold in spreading the gospel and winning souls! That’s a Phil. 1:12 victory!
14. Keep winning souls while there is still time.
I’ll see you at the finish line.
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