“Received the following email from Kent. He is now in the final stages for his eventual release.” Admin
Well, I’m in Tallahassee transfer center (again). My 4th time. It looks like I may be moved in a few days (in chains again ) to Jacksonville, Fl to catch conair to OK transfer center then after x days to Yazoo City, MS. Just as I predicted. :((
Oh well, Rom. 8:28!
On the positive side… in the last 24 hrs I had quite a few 1st time in over a year. I spent a year and a week in county jails deprived of lots of things. I don’t think I’ll take them for granted for a while. In the last 24 hrs I, for the first time in 12 plus months:
1. had a banana!
2. had an orange!
3. had 2% real milk! (3 cartons!)
4. had a full sized pencil! (rather than the dumb little “golf pencils” with no eraser)
5. have email!
6. have a bed I can sit up on! The county jails bunk beds are close together.
7. have a hymn book! WOW I miss the singing! I get a LOT of requests but… I sing anyway!
8. have QUIET in the dorm due to the TVs being in closed rooms! I’m so-o-o-o-o-o-o sick of hearing “You are NOT the mother!” and other DUMB stuff on TV these days!
9. have a locker to put my stuff in!
10. have a razor to shave any time I want rather than once a week!
11. have a clean painted floor rather than raw concrete.
12. saw the sky NOT through bars or fencing! There was a fence around me but when I took out the trash (the put me in the kitchen to work) I saw the sky! There were 4 planes spraying the chem trails though :((( Go to reality zone.com and get “What in the World are They Spraying?” to see one of the ways they have been using for 15+ years to help reach goal #1 on the Georgia Guide stones- lower the population to 1/2 billion.
13. felt a real blade a grass!
14. ate a slice of tomato! (It was prob GMO but still my first in over a year!
15. have ICE!
16. Have a microwave!
17. tasted real brown sugar!
18. Have peace and quiet after lockdown! In county there are always several MORONS who stand at their bars and YELL to their “home boy” all night while those of us who want to SLEEP so they can GET UP in the morning for court or to DO something productive with their time TRY to shut out the DUMB and PROFANE stuff they YELL about!
I bet a will have a LONG list of “first time in 8.75 YEARS” to send you when I get home!
Please thank everyone who supported me during the last year! What a blessing! Please contact all who had phone accounts and tell them how to get their money left on the account back!
I’m more excited than ever to see what God is going to use all this for! 1000 acres in the woods for a HUGE Dinosaur Adventure Land/ creation camping/ creation museum/ hands on science center is in my dreams more and more these days (and nights). God gave Job double (Job 42:11) but that was about 4,000 years ago. I have been SUGGESTING to God that He REALLY show off this time and give me …… whatever He can afford. :))
Several months ago I was in G dorm and led Daniel Castro to the Lord! He was a lawyer in Mexico but has been a builder in Pensacola for 20 years. He came to our 4/day Bible studies and was growing in the Lord and had LOTS of questions about the Bible! It was amazing to see his hunger for the Word! Then, I was moved 5x in the county jail and didn’t see him for months. Yesterday, he was moved on the bus with me and is now my “celli” here for a few days! We had a GREAT Bible study for 3 hrs last night! God has great plans for him! He will be moved soon to a privately owned prison in GA. There are LOTS of those these days! Prison for profit! Whodathunkit? In America! The land of the fee and the home of the slave… er, free and brave? PLEASE keep pressure on congress! This is the ONLY time in the 2 yr election cycle that SOME of them actually LISTEN (or pretend they do) so they can get your vote.
I would suggest that they get LOTS of pressure NOW to:
1. REPEAL the DUMB structuring laws 100% and make it retroactive (and pay damages!)
2. STOP the dumb “war on drugs.” Make it a state issue.
3. Abolish the IRS.
4. Investigate ALL the players in my case from 2004 on! And punish those who did NOT follow the law or stay in their jurisdiction! I would LOVE to testify before congress on the REALLY happened!
Thanks for your prayers and support! I’ll keep you posted as I can. PLEASE keep the network going so each one shares updates with their chain since I can only have 30 active email here.
In Christ,
Kent Hovind
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