“When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like that that dream…” Ps. 126:1
Gen 50:20- I’m sure Satan meant all this for evil but God has sure been using it for good! On the trip I met and witnessed to a Communist Chinese student studying in NY, 4 Russian students on a 4 month tour to learn better English, a man from India, 5 Ukrainian students here to work and travel for 4 months as well as a few others.
Thanks to a friend who loves the Lord and who waited for my bus stop… I got to have my first yogurt in 7.5 years!
After a 40 hour bus trip from Berlin, NH changing buses 6 times and going through Boston, NY, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Honolulu (I STILL don’t know HOW they got that bus over the Pacific!) and Moscow I FINALLY arrived in Montgomery, AL at midnight on my body clock and 11pm local time. After a taxi ride and a SLOW check in process I got issued my bedding and hit the hay at 3 am! Breakfast from 5:30-6:30 then medical, laundry and a zillion points of interest …
Here are a FEW of the differences so far:
1. I have a REAL BED! 42″ wide and 7 in thick! That’s the first bed I’ve slept on in 7 yrs! Most camps have a little foam pad 2-3 in. and 27 in. wide thick over a piece of steel. The ones in Berlin collapsed to 1/2 in. when you laid on them so it was like being right on the steel. My hips and shoulders are still sore!
2. I have a real PILLOW! I’ve rolled up my coat and stuffed it in my sweatshirt every night for a pillow for years!
3. It is a Beautiful campus here! Flowers, grass, trees, squirrels etc. Very well kept!
4. There were 110 men in NH and there are 890 here!
5. Very friendly, helpful staff here! (So far.)
6. Dorm is quiet! There are real walls to divide the rooms! 2 to a room.
7. They tell me there are some famous men here. Not sure who but I’ll try to meet everyone and witness to them.
Thanks for your prayers! We are still waiting on a simple answer in about 5 different courts! Any one can unravel the case and set me free! They SURE don’t like letting people go. This whole concept is evil! God never authorized locking a man away from his family. In the Bible crimes were to be punished by a fine, beating or execution but never prison. The heathen Romans, Egyptians etc had them but read God’s Law-no prisons. I’ll forever be an advocate to close them down. America has the largest prison system in the world! We have 5% of the world’s population and 25% of the world’s prisoners! I’m pretty sure it’s because lawmakers, judges, lawyers etc are allowed to own stock in this very lucrative business! Contact your congressman and tell them to make THAT illegal! Also judges and US attorneys get promoted based on cases won and years given out not on justice served.
If you live w/i driving distance and wish to visit me I’d love to have you. Kevin visited me often in NH and can explain the rules and what to expect. finalfantasy19@yahoo.com. Be sure to ask him to tell you about puah. Great story! What a blessing visits are! I see why Jesus put Mt. 25:34-46 in the Bible!
Gotta go for a few more items then a NAP! All for now!
Kent Hovind
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