Kent Hovind – Debate 08 – Dr. Kent Hovind vs. Dr. William Moore

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Wayne State University – Detroit Dr. Kent Hovind vs. Dr. William Moore, at Wayne State University in Detroit, MI on September 24, 1998. This is Dr. Hovind’s favorite debate as Dr. Moore is considered by many to be one of the top evolutionists of his field. Dr. Moore refers to Dr. Hovind as the Hulk Hogan of Creationists. Watch and judge for yourself to see if the theory of evolution gets pummeled. Antigua Barbuda Australia Bahamas Barbados Beliza Botswana Britain Brunei Cameroon Canada Dominica England Ethiopia Fiji Gambia Germany Ghana Great Britain Grenada Guyana India Ireland Israel Jamaica Kenya Kiribati Lesotho Liberia Malawi Malta Marshall Islands Mauritius Micronesia Namibia Nauru New Zealand Nigeria Pakistan Palau Papua New Guinea Philippines Pilipinas Rwanda Saint Kitts Saint Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent Grenadines Samoa Scotland Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Solomon Islands South Africa Swaziland Tanzania Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tuvalu Uganda UK United Kingdom United States USA Vanuatu Zambia Zimbabwe English

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