Joe Biden’s COVID Vaccine Strategy: Shots For Kids, But Not Illegal Immigrants – CD Media

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“So the illegals can pour across our S. border with no requirement to get the toxic covid shot while our insane government is trying to force them on as many citizens as possible even down to babies. Is this to allow the illegals to replace those citizens who will die from the vax? Sure looks that way.” Admin


The COVID-19 nightmare appears to be nearly over. Many people have chosen to ditch their masks and resume their pre-pandemic lives, either because they, like most Americans, have acquired natural immunity, or because they realize that those who do catch the currently predominant variant (regardless of vaccination status) usually suffer only mild symptoms.


Despite this reality, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continue to overreact to COVID-19.  This month alone, the FDA has pushed forward with three different COVID-19 vaccine actions.


First, the agency approved an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of a pharmacologically different “protein subunit” vaccine, but still only for the old, original (2019 Wuhan) version of COVID.  The Novavax vaccine received an EUA recommendation from its advisory committee despite having the same serious cardiovascular safety concerns that exist with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.


Read More: Joe Biden’s COVID Vaccine Strategy: Shots For Kids, But Not Illegal Immigrants – CD Media

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