Jamal Badawi Refuted: Islamic Paganism-The Sacred Black Stone

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Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater & Steve Morrison, director of Research (search MuslimHope.com, BibleQuery.org & HistoryCart.com), question the teachings of Dr. Jamal Badawi, a leading Muslim apologist. The Muslim Pilgrimage to Mecca is analyzed in detail. Part 3. This 10 hour series originally aired on public access television in Austin, Texas to approximately 300000 households. The full length versions have been posted on YAHOO VIDEO (search Larry Wessels once on the YAHOO VIDEO homepage & look for it). Christian Answers of Austin, Texas has many more full length videos concerning Islam posted on YAHOO VIDEO & GOOGLE VIDEO for further study. Series titles include: “Can Believing the Muslim Religion Send Someone to Hell?” (an 8 hour series): 1. The Origins of Islam, 2. Is the Quran from God?, 3. Bukhari Hadiths of Islam, 4. Answering Muslim Questions About Christianity, 5. Questions Christians Ask About Islam, 6. Is Islam a Religion of Peace?, 7. The Changes in the Quran, & 8. The Forgery of the Gospel of Barnabas. “Answering Islamic Apologists” (a 10 hour series): 1. Introduction to Islamic Apologetics, 2. Sinlessness of the Prophets of Islam?, 3. Questionable Arguments for the Quran, 4. Quranic Miracles & the Islamic Jesus?, 5. Islamic Attack Against Key Bible Doctrine, 6. Islamic “Jihad” Against the Biblical God, 7. Muslim Denial of the Trinity & Christ’s Blood, 8. Man’s Fallen Nature & Biblical Prophecy, 9. More Attacks

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